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Custom Chains


This documentation is for Web3Modal v2. You can find Web3Modal v3 docs here

Custom wagmi chains​

Web3Modal's chain configuration happens entirely via wagmi. Please refer to wagmi chains documentation to see which defaults are available and how to create your own chain.

Below is a simplified example that sets up mainnet, avalanche and arbitrum chains:

import { w3mProvider } from '@web3modal/ethereum'
import { configureChains } from 'wagmi'
import { arbitrum, mainnet, avalanche } from 'viem/chains'

const chains = [mainnet, avalanche, arbitrum]
const { publicClient } = configureChains(chains, [
/* ... */

Custom default chain​

By default Web3Modal will connect to the chain that was set by user's wallet. If you want user to be connected to a specific chain by default, you can set it via defaultChain option:

import { optimism } from 'viem/chains'

function App() {
return <Web3Modal defaultChain={optimism} />

Custom chain providers​

Wagmi requires that one or more providers (RPCs) are configured that support all your target chains. Web3Modal provides WalletConnect RPC via w3mProvider helper. WalletConnect RPC is free to use (rate limit may be applied to specific users if abuse is detected). WalletConnect RPC currently supports following chains:

1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 42, 56, 69, 97, 100, 137, 280, 324, 420, 42161, 42220, 43114, 80001, 421611, 421613, 1313161554, 1313161555

Please refer to wagmi providers documentation to see how to configure alternative providers, combine or prioritize them.

Below is a simplified example of how to combine WalletConnect RPC and Infura one:

import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'
import { infuraProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/infura'
import { w3mProvider } from '@web3modal/ethereum'

const { chains, publicClient } = configureChains(
/* ... */
/* ... */

Custom chain images​

Web3Modal tries to provide default images for most wagmi chain defaults, but if image for your chain is missing or you want to override it, you can use chainImages options:

1: '',
137: ''